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  • Writer's pictureSara Jane

UnCommon Success

“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.” – Serena Williams

what defines Success

When we think of achieving success many of us think of working harder, smarter, and diligently to gain more money, assets, wealth, influence, etc. We think of mastermind plans, investments, marketing strategies, sales techniques, high margins, and ROIs. This quote from Serena Williams challenges us to rethink our definition of success. Rather than hitting goals, perhaps the real meaning of being successful could be so much more. The definition and achievement of success are relative and set by the beholder. If we go through life achieving great wealth, fame, and riches but have not touched the lives of those around us in a positive meaningful way - then maybe we have missed the real purpose of life. If at the end of our lives, we are sitting in an empty mansion, with fancy cars, expensive meals, and no one to enjoy it with, then have we really achieved success? I suppose that success can only be defined and measured but the one who is striving toward it.

Uncommon Success

So let's be different! Let us rethink our definition and meaning of success and the metric by which we determine if we have achieved it. Let us be inspirational, encouraging, courageous, strong, kind, and humble. Serena William's quote is directed at women, but I think that this is true for both women and men.

Let us all strive for uncommon success!

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